HOME Section 1: Facts About Gambling Section 2: Understanding Your Gambling Section 3: Thinking About Change
Try some of the following: 
•Attend self–help meetings such as Gamblers Anonymous. (click for more info).
•Avoid going in or near places where gambling is available.
•Spend less time with people who gamble to avoid being pressured into gambling.
•Carry only the minimum amount of money that you need for the day.
Now, call or visit a friend or family member that you can trust. Talk about your urges to gamble and how you are dealing with these feelings. Friends and family who support your decision to change will play a big role in helping you achieve your goals. Some people in your life, however, might not want you to change, and these people could potentially encourage you to gamble. If you know someone who may do this, avoid contacting that person—especially when you are experiencing an urge to gamble.
“What if I gamble and I really don’t want to?”
If you find that you gamble even though you are trying to quit, you are not alone. Many people find that it takes several attempts to quit or cut down on gambling. Stopping or reducing gambling is a very difficult thing to do and you may not be able to do it the first time you try. Remember, however, that a lot of people don’t even get this far. By asking for information and thinking about change, you have already begun your journey to a safer, happier, and healthier life. If you do gamble and you don’t want to, that does not mean that you will never be able to stop. Keep trying, keep talking to people you trust, and keep asking for help. Going back to gambling doesn’t make your goals any less valuable or possible.
Hopefully this guide has helped you think about change. It is a starting point, as well as a roadmap for the process of change. Thinking about change is not always easy. Should you decide a change is right for you, you will encounter many obstacles along the way. Expect them and be prepared. Your journey may be difficult at times, but it will be well worth it.
Additional Resources
Reading this guide may have helped you to notice new things about yourself. Some of these things can be hard to deal with. Some may even be life problems that don't have anything to do with gambling. If you think that you have some other types of problems (or even some gambling problems that you need more help with), you should consider getting additional support or treatment. Some of the resources found by clicking the link below will help you, should you decide to seek additional information or counseling.

Click here for Additional Resources