HOME Section 1: Facts About Gambling Section 2: Understanding Your Gambling Section 3: Thinking About Change
Something to Think About
Some people simply cut down
on gambling, while others try
to stop completely. Research
suggests that cutting down on
gambling can be a goal. However, a lot of people find
that just cutting back on gambling is a difficult goal to keep because it can easily lead
back to problem gambling.
If reducing your gambling is
too hard for you, you may
choose to stop gambling
completely. Obviously, neither
option will be easy, but just
reducing your gambling might
be more risky.
Deciding on Goals
The next step in the process of change is deciding on your goals. For example:
• When do you want to change?
• Do you want to stop gambling or just gamble less than you do now?

Remember that change is a process and it will take time. The first three months are usually the most difficult. The period after that will be hard too, but not quite like when you began to change. Although getting through this process may seem very difficult, the experience of many people shows that you can change your gambling patterns.

To change these patterns, you must first make a decision. Think about what changes
you would like to make. For example, you may decide that you want to completely stop gambling in the next year, or that you want to limit your gambling activity over
the next six months.

Which of the following options would you choose?
Stop Completely Limit Gambling
Now write down some details about how you will accomplish the goal you just chose.
For example, when are you planning to start? What specific things will you begin
to do differently? This is your goal for change:

Type your name as a promise to yourself*:

* For your own purposes only. No personal information will be collected on this site.