HOME Section 1: Facts About Gambling Section 2: Understanding Your Gambling Section 3: Thinking About Change
Understanding your gambling (cont.)
1. Have you spent a great deal of your time during the past 12 months thinking of ways to get money for gambling? Yes No
2. During the past 12 months, have you placed bigger and bigger bets to experience excitement? Yes No
3. Did you find during the past 12 months that smaller bets are less exciting to you than before? Yes No
4. Has stopping gambling or cutting down how much you gambled made you feel restless or irritable during the past 12 months? Yes No
5. Have you gambled during the past 12 months to make the uncomfortable feelings that come from stopping or reducing gambling go away? Yes No
6. Have you gambled to forget about stress during the past 12 months? Yes No
7. After losing money gambling, have you gambled to try to win back your lost money? Yes No
8. Have you lied to family members or others about how much you gambled during the past 12 months? Yes No
9. Have you done anything illegal during the past 12 months to get money to gamble? Yes No
10. During the past 12 months, have you lost or almost lost a significant relationship, job, educational or career opportunity because of your gambling? Yes No
11. Have you relied on others (e.g. family, friends, or work) to provide you with money to cover your gambling debts? Yes No
12. During the past 12 months have you tried to quit or limit your gambling, but couldn’t? Yes No